As part of my role as design director at Graphicks I was responsible for the redesign of the agency's brand identity. The process involved synthesising the new strategy proposed by the board, which included a change on the services offered, that should reflect as a change in perception from clients and the market. The initial phase involved a thorough research and analysis of competitors.

The output from research showed that even though the name was strong it wouldn't help shifting the perception as desired (from studio to consultancy, and implementation to strategy). The first round of exploration focussed on finding a strong solution for the logotype (with a peculiar ck ligature), as well as using one of the old brand colours in a much bolder way – the 'no-half-measures fluor pink'.

The look and feel relies strongly on the bold colour palette, as well as the balance between serif/sans-serif typefaces. Exploring how that could work on stationery and collateral helped fine tuning some other brand assets, like the 'underlined-headline'.